Devon and Marcus in the Hot Seat!

Can they convince us that they are fantastic travel companions? Welcome to our second show in the series Passports or Pass, on Weekend Travel Inspiration, where we grill unsuspecting travelers to see if they really should be traveling together. Travel is fun. Travel is stressful. Will traveling together make Devon and Marcus’ bond stronger or will it break them?

The Passport or Pass Contestents
Devon is our daughter, and she has traveled her entire life. At five months, we took her camping on the French Riviera and the Costa Brava. You never know if your values will be passed down to your kids, but thankfully Devon loves to travel and has been to all seven continents (1 more than Jim or me) and almost 40 countries. She currently lives in Japan where she met Marcus.

Marcus, a New Englander, joined the Navy as a young man and found his way to Japan. He had never really traveled before, either with family or alone, so this was a huge brave jump. This past summer was the first time he has been to Europe and he added five countries to his list. It was also the first time we’d met him, so yeah that’s another level of stress right there. Traveling with the Vails, and I’m looking at you Devon, can be a bit stressful at times, because we love to be out of our comfort zone. Poor Marcus found that out, trial by fire. Some of the things that we subjected this relative travel newbie to was a beer bath in Czech and making sausage in Nuremberg. Like a trooper, he got high marks from us, but will he pass the travel companion test?
You can watch our first installment of our very own Travel Companion Quiz Show – Passports or Pass with Mary and Chris here.
Devon has lived in Japan for six years and is our Reflections Enroute Japan expert. If you are interested in Japan, read on!
Inside the world famous Cup Noodle factory in Yokohama
The Wild and Wacky World of Japanese Themed Restaurants
Author Bio: Corinne Vail is a travel photographer, food lover, and a perpetual traveler who has been travel writing for over 14 years. For many years she lived overseas in Germany, Japan, Turkey, South Korea, and the Netherlands teaching the children of the US. military. She’s visited over 90 countries, and she’s not stopping anytime soon.

Sandy N Vyjay
Friday 25th of August 2017
Nice and fun topic and always the subject of much debate. Nice to see how Devon and Marcus vibe together as a travel couple. Traveling together does have its moments of disagreement and stress but these are usually overpowered by shared experiences of travel.
Corinne Vail
Friday 25th of August 2017
That's the hope Sandy, and it seems to work for our family well.
Dave (Silverbackpacker)
Thursday 24th of August 2017
An original idea for a blog series. I wonder what other couples will be brave enough to face your camera. What a great childhood education Devon must have had with all that travelling around.
Corinne Vail
Thursday 24th of August 2017
Dave, Thanks. I hope people want to do it!
Thursday 24th of August 2017
Absolute crackup Corinne and a great idea. Saw that you'll be doing Daryl and Mindi soon too - should be interesting. Love that Devon has been travelling with you her whole life. It's certainly interesting travelling with others and there are a limited few I would do it with.
Corinne Vail
Thursday 24th of August 2017
Kerri, When are you coming our way? (hint, hint)
Bryna | Dotted Line Travels
Wednesday 23rd of August 2017
What a fun post idea! Marcus is lucky to get to travel with you, you guys have some pretty amazing adventures!
Corinne Vail
Wednesday 23rd of August 2017
Bryna, Thanks. I'm not sure Marcus would agree with you 100%... We can be a bit intense!
Tuesday 22nd of August 2017
I love that Devon has travelled her entire life with you guys. That makes me happy. We're expecting a daughter and she will do exactly the same. It seems like she loves the lifestyle you've given her.
Corinne Vail
Tuesday 22nd of August 2017
Skye, I think she really does. I have two daughters, and both seem to have caught the travel bug.