Are you visiting South Korea? Are you interested in their history, and especially the war with North Korea? Visiting the DMZ is one of those things that feels like it should be in a movie, but it’s real life. Let us tell you all about our experience when we took the DMZ tour.
Jim and I lived in South Korea for three years, and during that time as we explored the country, we learned to love the lifestyle, the food, and really enjoy the sights. We lived in Daegu, but we visited such amazing places like Seoul, Busan, and Jeju-do. We enjoyed so many sights including the three jewel temples. Wh
When we first got there, and learned of the military history, we were a little scared but also fascinated. We wanted to know more about Korea’s history. It didn’t take long before going to the DMZ was a must, and we’re glad we did. We learned so much!
In this article:
On a cold and windy November morning, so early that it was still dark, we flashed our passports at the gate guard on the way into Camp Kim in Seoul, South Korea. We were trepidatious but excited. Just like knowing you are going to cringe and scream in a horror flick, going on a tour to a war zone will really get your blood pumping!

DMZ Tour
There are some places that you just have to take a tour to visit, because you just can’t go on your own. It’s impossible. Whether this is because of danger – to people or to the grounds- or just to get more money out of you, there are definitely places you must take tours, especially near Seoul. It’s okay, though. In this case, I’m willing to let someone take care of me when I’m in an active war zone.
We were signed up on the famous USO DMZ Tour, which is one of many things to do on a trip to Korea. In true military fashion, what do those initials mean? U.S.O is the United Service Organization and the D.M.Z. is the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea.

What is the DMZ?
The DMZ is the Demilitarized Zone which is on the border between North and South Korea. The DMZ is 280 kilometers long, is constantly guarded by both nations and can be extremely dangerous, as the two Koreas are still at war.

What to Expect on the DMZ Tour
We boarded our bus, and since the frost had not been scraped from the windows, tried to nap on the drive. Like just going on a tour in general, the fact that it was a gray wintry day, felt right. No one wants to visit someplace somber in the spring or summer with the birds singing and the sun shining. You want the weather to reflect the mood. It was perfect!

As we disembarked at Camp Bonifas, we felt the same pleasant anticipation of being someplace special, new and exciting. We were ready to listen, learn, and take lots of photos. After all, it was just another tour. Heck, I’ve taken a lot of tours! If we were a bit lackadaisical, a bit nonchalant, we were quickly put in our place by the sergeant that met us at the bus and took us into the briefing auditorium.

Here we saw slides and listened to the history of the Korean War, the base, the armistice, and the current DMZ situation. It was not filled with roses and happy endings.
As the war is technically still going on, the guards who are entrusted to protect their side of the border are hand-picked patriots. They are trained to be on high alert, think of a German shepherd protecting a house with a six-foot high fence around it, and are ready to kill in an instant. In fact, over the years a number of people have been killed, sometimes brutally, because someone made the wrong move.

It happened to them, but would it really happen to us? He assured us that…it could. From that moment on, the tone of the tour dampened. All of us, our small contingent, and the thirty or so others that chose to do the tour that day, were quiet and watchful.

Our next stop was one of the most exciting of the day. We toured one of those metal blue buildings. The demarcation line splits it, and on one side you stand in South Korea then on the other North Korea.
There were guards everywhere; South Korean guards, North Korean guards. The South Korean guards are taught a very intimidating stance where they arch their shoulders, jut out their heads, and look mean and ready. The North Korean guards just stood there and stared at you, really at you, with a chilling look. I know which one made me more scared.

Everyone took turns having their photos taken with one of the South Korean guards behind the table, technically in North Korea. Then we moved on. We visited the small bridge spanning the Imjingang River and peered over the DMZ into North Korea. Plenty of lush flora, wild and teeming with wildlife, the other side looked just as barren and uninviting as you might imagine.
According to the sergeant, the city we saw, was fake. It was built to impress us Westerners or perhaps even to entice us to defect. Spoiler Alert – It didn’t work.

From Camp Bonifas, we reloaded our bus and headed to the Peace Park where you could go down into a tunnel and walk around the Memorial and Peace monuments. We were told not to wander too far off the path, though, buried mines still existed and they were still lethal.
The tour concluded with lunch at a buffet restaurant where we all had Bi Bim Bap, usually one of my favorite Korean dishes. However, this one was tasteless, a fitting end to our eye-opening day.
DMZ Tour Dress Code
The day we went, it was cold, so it was easy to comply with the dress code which states that no skirts, shorts, tank tops or tops with the midriff showing are allowed. Jeans are okay, but they need to be free of holes and in very good shape.
This foray into an active war zone, one we Westerners are not always conscious of definitely made us think differently about our situation living in South Korea, so close to an active war zone. If you are interested in world history, you will definitely want to see the Demilitarized Zone.

There are plenty of cool places not far from Seoul to head to on a day trip. We’ve been to many of them at least once, and many we’d love to return to as well.
Have you traveled to South Korea? Would you visit the DMZ?
Author Bio: Corinne Vail is a travel photographer, food lover, and a perpetual traveler who has been travel writing for over 14 years. For many years she lived overseas in Germany, Japan, Turkey, South Korea, and the Netherlands teaching the children of the US. military. She’s visited over 90 countries, and she’s not stopping anytime soon.
Saturday 14th of March 2015
I'd love to go and see this part of our globe. Such a fascinating (and still is) part of our history. Thanks for linking up with us for #SundayTraveler.
Corinne Vail
Saturday 14th of March 2015
SJ, It was a very interesting tour if you ever get over to South Korea!
Friday 13th of March 2015
Super fascinating Corinne. I think if I were in South Korea, I'd probably try to find a tour into this area. So interesting, especially to see it in real life.
Corinne Vail
Saturday 14th of March 2015
Adelina, No doubt. You really should!
Corinne Vail
Friday 13th of March 2015
Michelle, Yes! It is a bit crazy, but it's an eye-opener and well worth the trip!
Marcella @ WhatAWonderfulWorld
Thursday 12th of March 2015
Wow, this sounds like a really interesting, and also scary, tour. You must have learnt so much and must be amongst a very small number of people who have had this unique experience. Thanks for sharing!
Corinne Vail
Friday 13th of March 2015
Marcella, It is one of the best tours we've ever done.
Anna | slightly astray
Monday 9th of March 2015
Wow. I loved reading about this experience. And you two have really been everywhere! I can only imagine the mood of that tour. I don't know if this is something I would do, so it was so nice to go on it vicariously through you! The situation between the Korea's is so heartbreaking.
Corinne Vail
Monday 9th of March 2015
Anna, It really is. Before I went, I'm not sure I fully understood the gravity of their situation. It was definitely an eye-opener.